Men's Faith and Fellowship

Announcing the formation of a new South Side Catholic Men’s Faith and Fellowship Group. Our goal is to enhance men’s fellowship through a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith. Beginning Saturday, August 28th with a 10-week journey into the principles of our Catholic faith in a series called Symbolon, produced by the Augustine Institute. We will meet in the St. Mary Rectory on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. Please join us at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and fellowship and a one-hour program at 9:00 a.m.  All Catholic men on the Southside of Columbus are invited.   

Why a Men’s Faith and Fellowship Group?

A men’s faith and fellowship group helps men to grow as disciples of Christ, by meeting with other men for friendship, learning, and support on their journey to become better fathers, sons, brothers, husbands and friends. Along the way, we will learn how to be better faith leaders in our families and better Christians.

We have chosen SYMBOLON, meaning “seal” or “symbol of the faith” to help guide us on our journey. In the ancient world, the Greek word Symbolon was an object cut in half and when the two parts were brought together, the owner’s identity was confirmed.

 For further information, please contact David Mitchell: [email protected]